Building a Church

Thanks be to God, our community is growing! We look forward to building a church that will be a home where the Gospel is proclaimed and lived. It will be a long journey that will require everyone's participation. We invite you to join us in this endeavor. We place this project in God's hands. Through His blessing and the intercession of Our Lady and our patron St. Andrew, may it bear fruit for the glory of God and lead to the sanctification of our children and our children's children.

Join us on Wednesday February 19 at 6:30pm for our parish council meeting. We will begin discussing the next steps we need to take to move this project forward.

Below are some important documents that will guide the construction of a new church.

A continuación figuran algunos documentos importantes que guían la construcción de una nueva iglesia. 

Built of Living Stones

This document offers guidance and catechesis on the purpose and theological meaning of the various parts of the church building. This will be the basis of our considerations for the design of the church. Click here to view the document.

Edificada con Piedras Vivas

Este documento ofrece orientación y catequesis sobre la finalidad y el significado teológico de las distintas partes del edificio de la iglesia. Esta será la base de nuestras consideraciones para el diseño de la iglesia. Haga clic aquí para consultar el documento. 

Diocesan Guidelines for Building and Renovation of Churches

Click here for the instructions provided by the Diocese of Salt Lake City.

Directrices para la Construccion y Renovación de Iglesias

Haga clic aquí para consultar las instrucciones facilitadas por la Diócesis de Salt Lake City. 

Diocesan Construction Manual

This provides instructions on the required steps for a building project.

Click here for the long version.

Click here for the short version.

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