As the Altar Servers ministry, we assist the celebrant and the worshiping community in the celebration of the Liturgy of the Mass. The ministry of assisting the priest, deacon, and people of God at Mass is a great way to give glory to God by serving God and His people.
It is our mission to help our altar servers to grow in faith, love and unity with God, others and the faith community of St Andrew’s Parish.
As an altar server you will be involved in some of the most sacred celebrations of the Catholic tradition. The Eucharist is central to our living the sacramental life. Mostly, altar servers serve at Mass on Saturdays and Sundays. For those that attend St. Andrew's School or another Catholic school may have the opportunity to serve at school Masses. The servers keep things running smoothly and are attentive to what is happening in the liturgy. One thing is for sure, you often get to be up close to where all the action is happening.
Our Altar Server ministry consists of youth, between 7 years old and 18 years old who have received 1st Holy Communion. Boys and girls who are able to perform the duties of alter servers can serve. Training is scheduled several times during the year and the trainings are announced in the bulletin. Once trained, you will be scheduled for Mass.
Some of the things we do to accomplish our mission are:
If you or your child would like to become part of our ministry, please contact one of our ministry’s leaders:
Renata Ryan (English Mass coordinator)– 435-659-6846
Yanet Martinez (Spanish Mass coordinator)– 385 – 210-9367
Extraordinary Ministers of Communion
To be an Extraordinary Minister of Communion is a profound ministry assisting the priests and deacons (the ordinary ministers of communion) to distribute the Body and Blood of Christ to the faithful. The Extraordinary Ministers of Communion serve the church by assisting the priest and deacon at Mass with distribution of the sacrament of the Eucharist. With further training one can also bring communion to the sick and homebound.
Extraordinary Eucharistic Minister I (EEM-1)
Level One Ministers assist during Mass. If you are interested in level one, please contact:
Maxine Jarmon (for English Masses) - 801-891-6308
Maribel Colorado (for Spanish Masses) -
Extraordinary Eucharistic Minister II (EEM-II)
Level Two Ministers minister to the sick, homebound, and those in nursing homes. In addition to the requirements above, you must be 18 years or older. Due to direct work with vulnerable adults, you must complete the Safe Environment Training and be cleared before beginning ministry.
If you are interested in level two, please contact:
Deacon Mike Bulson, 801-920-1954
“Let all guests who arrive be received as Christ.” Rule of St. Benedict 53:1
Minister of Hospitality
As a Minister of Hospitality, you are likely the first point of contact for those who come to St. Andrew. Many who come through these doors are regular parishioners you know and love. But many others are visitors. Others are not Catholic or even Christian and are wondering if this place is for them. Whoever you encounter remember the admonition of Saint Benedict to receive all who come as Christ. The Ministers of Hospitality greet people as they come in, assist with distribution of bulletins at the end of Mass, and are available to answer basic questions and direct parishioners and visitors.
Hannah Anderson (801) 618-7589;
Ushers assist people finding their seats (especially when the seating fills up and after Mass has begun). They are also responsible for taking the collection and assisting as needed in other ways.
Please call the front office if you are interested in helping as an usher at the weekend Masses 801-253-6034
The ministry of the Word is for those who have a great love of Scripture. As a Lector, you do more than simply "read out loud at Mass." You will proclaim the Word of God in the midst of the Church gathered in prayer. Faith is nurtured through the Word of God proclaimed. This ministry is open to any baptized Catholic 12 years old and older.
If you are interested in being a Lector please contact one of the coordinators below. For those under 18, please have the parents contact one of the coordinators.
Linda Goffaux, Coordinator for English liturgy- (801) 455-7623;
Ana Argueta, Coordinadora para liturgia con Español - (801) 746-9691;
We are very blessed to have several choirs at St. Andrew Parish. Instrumentalists and those wanting to sing are always welcome and are encouraged to approach the choir of their choice.
English Choirs
Katrina Prado (5pm Saturday) - (925) 321-2580
Romnel Tan (11am Sunday) - (801) 512-4588
Spanish Choirs
Moises Diaz - (801) 696-1379
Remi - (801) 654-9372
Elizabeth Pérez - (801) 688-3730