Religious Education

Families need to be registered in the parish: Are you registered? if not register in this link

Las familias deben estar registrados en la parroquia, Si no esta registrado, regístrese en este enlace

Parish Registeration    Regístrese en la Parroquia

Registration Inscripción 2025-2026

Family Information   Información de la Familia

Student Information   Información del Estudiante

PLEASE READ  YOUR COMMITEMENT                                                      POR FAVOR LEA SU COMPROMISO

It is my responsibility as a parent to see to it that my child is present at Mass every Sunday, Holy Days of Obligation, and religious education activities throughout the year in addition to attending Religious Education classes.  I will take an active interest in participating in the Religious Education Program; attend Mass with my child on Sundays and Holy Obligation.  I will be that example for my child.

Es mi responsabilidad como padre asegurarme que mi hijo(a) asita a la misa todos los domingos, días de obligación y activida-des de educación religiosa durante todo el año además de asistir a clases de educación religiosa. Tomaré un activo interés en participar en el programa de educación religiosa; asistir a misa con mi hijo(a) los domingos y los dias obligación. Yo seré ese ejemplo para mi hijo(a).


Be a member of St Andrew, if you are not a member you can register here:

Ser miembro de esta parroquia si no esta registrado, puede registrarse aqui:

Baptism Ceritificate   Acta de Bautismo

Please send a scaned  copy  (no photo) of you child's Baptism Certifiate  to

Por favor evie una copia escaneada (no fotos)  del Acta de Bautismo de su hijo/a a

Payment    Pago

Please use this link - Por favor utilice este link

Faith Formation $50.00

All others $85.00 

Registration after July 31st please add $25.00

Inscripciones después de 31 de Julio agrere $25.00

Please consider being part of our Religious Education Ministry and help build our church by sharing the faith of Jesus through teaching

Por favor considere ser parte de nuestro Ministerio y ayudar a construir nuestra iglesia compartiendo la fe de Jesús a través de la enseñanza. 

"Education in the faith by the parents should begin in the child's earliest years. This already happens when family members help one another to grow in faith by the witness of a Christian life in keeping with the Gospel. Family catechesis precedes, accompanies, and enriches other forms of instruction in the faith. Parents have the mission of teaching their children to pray and to discover their vocation as children of God. The parish is the Eucharistic community and the heart of the liturgical life of Christian families; it is a privileged place for the catechesis of children and parents.”

 Catechism of the Catholic Church #2226 

The Catholic Church intends for all Catholic children to be in RE each year until they are confirmed! Our mission is to help you as parents/guardians to nurture and foster growth in the Catholic faith of your children. This is accomplished with help from Catechists/volunteers of our Parish who give of their time and talents.

We offer Religious Education classes for children from Kindergarten through the 8th grade. All students are required to have two years of Religious Education prior to any Sacraments. 

Religious Education starts in September and goes through May.

Classes are held on Sundays 9:30am-10:45am


Early Registration starts the month of April: To secure early enrollment discount, please return the form and fees by the end of April.

Regular Registration May, June and July: To secure enrollment, please return the form and fees by the end of July.

Late registration fees apply thereafter.

Any questions to call Mariana Rodriguez, D.R.E. 801-253-6032 or by email @ 

We are always in need of catechists. What is a catechist? The General Directory for Catechesis tells us that “The Church awakens and discerns this divine vocation and confers the mission to catechize. The Lord Jesus invites men and women, in a special way, to follow him, teacher and formation of disciples.” (GDC 231)

Are YOU being called to be a catechist in our parish community? Are YOU being called to serve and minister, to be a witness to Jesus Christ, to pray and to build up our parish community? 

Please contact Mariana Rodriguez, Director of Religious Education, 801-253-6032 for more information or by email @

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