The Eucharist is a central part of being Catholic, because it is the sacrament where God shares his very self directly with us. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, bread and wine are transformed into the Body and Blood of Christ. It is in the Body and Blood of Christ, the person of Jesus Christ, that humanity was given a new covenant with God. We enter into the divine life of God through Christ and share in His life saving gift of the Eucharist.
Preparation for First Communion
There are two main ways in which a person makes their first communion. They prepare during RCIA or RCIC programs as the are preparing to become Catholics. Alternately, children prepare during the second grade of religious education in the parish or school. Someitmes, a person misses the opportunity to prepare when in the second grade, and that's okay. We will help you prepare when you are ready. If you want to make your first holy communion, please contact our office and we will help you, 801-253-6034