The sacrament of Holy Orders confers grace for one to be a deacon, priest, or bishop. These three types of clerics each pertain to the priesthood of Christ in differing ways. The deacon is ordained unto the service of Christ, the priest is ocardained unto the ministerial priesthood of Christ, and the Bishop is ordained to be the Vicar of Christ in his diocese. There is much more to be said about each of these vocations.
Ordination to the Permanent Diaconate
Men desiring to be permanent deacons must be at least 35 years of age. They may be married or single, but they must be married before they are ordained, and cannot marry after ordination. So it is very common, that a husband and father discerns a call from God to be a deacon. He enters a formation program with his diocese and once ordained begins ministry, especially in service to the Bishop and local parishes. He may witness (officiate at) marriages, baptize, preside at memorial services and bury the dead. He especially serves at the Mass and other liturgies, by assisting the priest, proclaiming the Gospel and preaching. A permanent deacon often is involved in preparing individuals for reception of the other sacraments, teaches, and engages in other ministries in the parish and diocese. The permanent diaconate is a beautiful ministry that brings Christ alive through extraordinary service.
Ordination to the Temporary Diaconate
The temporary diaconate is such, because candidates to be ordained priests must first be ordained and serve as a deacon. The heart of service that marks the diaconate continues into the priesthood. The temporary diaconate is a very important time of formation and ministry to the seminarian. They begin to celebrate some of the sacraments and ministries as the permanent deacon. The temporary time varies from diocese to diocese, but six to eighteen months is usually asked of the seminarian in the United States.
Ordination to the Presbyterate
The ordained priest is ordain unto the ministry of Christ. In baptism, all are baptized priest, prophet, and king. In baptism we share in the general priesthood of Christ. We bear the responsibility for unfolding our baptismal grace through the course of our life. For those called to the priesthood, once ordained are responsible to the ministerial priesthood of Christ. Not only should they unfold their own baptismal grace, they are responsible to assist others in this duty too. The priesthood does not belong to the priest, it belongs to Christ. The priest celebrates all of the sacraments for the faithful, except Holy Orders.
Ordination to the Episcopate
When Jesus formed His Church, he had countless men, women, and children that were His disciples. From them, he chose twelve to be apostles. Later, after the death of Judas Iscariot and the Resurrection of Jesus, Matthias was chosen by remaining eleven apostles to succeed Judas. Through the course of history, the apostles chose successors, these successors are know as Bishops. Onward through history, as the need arose, more bishops were chosen, ordained by the laying on of hands, and continued to shepherd God's people in the ministry of Jesus Christ. One does not elect to become a bishop, one is chosen by the others, as it has happened from the institution by Jesus. The priests and deacons are at the service of the bishop and are an extension of his shepherding and care of souls in his diocese.
Religious Vocations
Religioius Orders have long accepted men and women to make vows and joing their communities. It is possible to become a Monk or a Nun, a Brother or a Sister, maybe even a Hermit. These vocations are separate from Holy Orders, and some clerics also join a religious order, e.g. Benedictines, Christian Brothers, Daughters of St. Clair, Dominicans, Franciscans, Jesuits, Maryknoll Missionaries, Missionaries of Charity, Salesians, and many, many, more.
If you are discerning a vocation, we invite you to contact or Vocation Director to learn more about the opportunities for you the discuss, explore, and learn about a vocation in the ministry of Jesus Christ.
Vocations to the Priesthood and the Religious Life
Are you thinking about where God is calling you in life? Some end-up wherever they land in life, others think, pray, and discern on this topic of vocation. Some are called to the married life, some to the single life, and some to a vocation to the religious life or ordained ministry.
If you would like assistance in discerning your vocation, or are curious about where God is calling you, please contact our Director of Vocations. Our director will assist you in ways that are beneficial to your needs. She also can help to connect you with people or groups that may of interest to you.
Do you know the difference between a sister and a nun? How about a brother, priest, or monk? What is a religious? Ask our Director of Vocations, or invite her to come and speak to your ministry group!
Eucharistic Adoration
Please come and pray with us on the first Tuesday of each month. We will be dedicating one hour of Eucharistic Adoration, at 6:00 pm in the Rectory Chapel to an increase in vocations to the Religious life and the Priesthood. Thank you for your prayers.
Prayer for Vocations
Gracious and loving God, under the intercession of Our Lady of Guadalupe, raise up men and women of our diocese and around the world to respond to your call t serve in your Church. Our needs are great and our people thirst for your presence.
Open the hearts of many, raise up faithful servants of the Gospel, dedicated holy priests, sisters, and brothers who will offer themselves for your people and their needs.
Bless those who are now serving with courage and perseverance. Grant that many will be inspired by their example and faith to embrace their call to holiness and to their particular vocation in your Church.
We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Vocations Cross Program
You can sign-up for this prayer program at our front desk. Each week a different household of the parish takes a prayer booklet and Cross home for the purpose of leading the parish in praying for an increase in Church vocations, for more priests, deacons, sisters, monks, brothers, and nuns. The Cross and prayer booklets are presented at a weekend Mass, and you return it to the parish office the following weekend.
Fr Joseph Delka, Director of Vocations for St. Andrew Parish, 801-253-6031
Diocesan Vocation Director, Diocese of Salt Lake City, Utah
Priestly Vocation Discernment
Diaconate Vocation Discernment
2012 Seminarians for the Diocese of Salt Lake City, PDF